Stories that move you

SMART Tourism Destination increasing citizen’s sentiment of sharing local tourism related values through gamification using emerging mobile Apps and SMALL Data analysis

“The authors who write them and the readers who read them, connect us with our stories and connect our stories with each other”

"People who acknowledge and share their emotions are happier than those who don't"

"... stories are becoming private and sink into the secluded places in neighbour-hoods, families or individuals... while the rumours propagated by the media cover everything..."
(Michel de Certeau, "Walking in the City" in The Practice of Everyday Life)

"All the people places and things from the world outside the story"

With these emotions comes a whole new world of discovery that begins right here on SmartDEMA

"... We measure and map space and place, and acquire spatial laws and resource inventories for our efforts. These are important approaches, but they need to be complemented by experiential data that we can collect and interpret in measured confidence because we are human ourselves." (Yi-Fu Tuan, Space and Place)

Project Reference Number 2020-1-TR01-KA203-092920