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Module Two

Training Program on Social Media and Their Impact on the Educational Process.
Anlysis and Selection of Web 2.0 Tools to Develop New Services

The Goal

The goal is to learn how to use social media in education and how to apply to tourism services.

The learning

Module two develops a unique tailor-made social media training program. 
Content for the training program comes from Module One research to choose the social media tools. That is the connecting point between both Modules One and Two.
The training program is designed to answer from a social media point of view:

  • What would be the role of all actors (education, tourism services of all kind) involved in tourism in the next decade. 
  • How social media is impacting their daily work connected to the experiences and emotions of the services.
  • What kind of new services could be accessed using Mobile devices that can enhance the experience of the services?
  • How they think they can change the way of learning and doing business.
  • How educational needs should be included in specific evolving soft skills connected to mobile social media.
  • How to understand metrics on social media channels to extract valuable information.

The Tasks

The Tasks leading the production of Module Two are:

  1. Understanding Social Media Impact.
  2. Understanding the tourist consumption model.
  3. The training program by day.


The Resources are composed of different kind of documents to help you to design your own research.

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