the project
The concept of traditional education has changed radically in recent years and especially in this global situation of the virus. The physically present teacher in a classroom is no longer the only learning option. Currently, students can access quality education as long as they have access to a computer. We can say that we are now entering a new era – the online education revolution. And the teachers, it means they can teach from anywhere, but the most important thing is to be prepared for it. Most teachers are focused on teaching techniques, curriculum materials, and test scores. Teachers focus on what the students learn and not on the real needs of the students.
One of the things that have more impact on the “teaching-learning process” is the skill of the teacher to cope with the teaching skills on the new paradigm required, moving into online scenarios and how to transform the school curriculum into an online system.
The ACCED project works teaching the teacher to facilitate this empowerment process through different online Agile frameworks such as SCRUM, KANBAN, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION and new ICT skills including ZOOM/VIMEO/SLACK
The virus scenario generated a new unexpected educational resilience for teachers. The project addresses and implements solutions working with a pool of schools, universities and training centers. The project involves seven partners from the educational sector including schools, Universities, NGO and Foundation working on innovation programs.

The ACCED project focuses on implementing a specific training program, a methodology and a certification to validate the training during the project implementation phase and beyond to grant sustainability and impact. Three of the partners influence directly their education system, while private partners see in this training a new area of development.
The project addresses the needs of teachers and by extension their students, the need to “learn to learn”, to develop critical thinking, communication skills, working on teams, emotions management, transformative leadership, negotiation, citizenship among other soft skills. To develop that skills are the role of the actual teachers because the information is on the Internet and students know this, and the Internet knows more than the teachers.
Moreover, the Agile framework enables teachers to work differently, it will speed up the learning process on the student side, and it will show fast delivery results since the creation of knowledge, implementation and testing happens in a very short period delivering incremental value on each sprint (Unit of time to deliver). Once the result is delivered a retrospective is done giving the chance to understand what can be improved.
The results of the ACCED project are:
The Research Report
Agile matrix identifying teachers and potential Agile mindset implementation
ACCED Training program:Flexible enough to be adapted to any educational sector / Designing new educational lessons with SCRUM-KANBAN framework / Using Business Model Teachers and Design Thinking applied to in-service training, so trained teachers in the Agile Mindset can train on the cascade after the certification
Toolkit on how to implement the online classes using new frameworks (Agile, ZOOM, Vimeo), a set of transversal activities of good practices
BrickME Teachers Certification
15 case studies
34 teachers trained as a ring of mentors and 90 teachers trained in cascade through a series of workshops in partner countries Extensive documentation for the MOOC 4.0 (Videos, templates, images)
The SLACK teachers' network
the partners
Asociatia Centrul European pentru Integrare Socioprofesionala ACTA (Romania)
Tartu Ulikool (Estonia)
European Education & Learning Institute (Greece)
IES La Puebla (Spain)
Istituto Magistrale Statale “C.Lorenzini” (Italy)
Colegiul National Emanuil Gojdu (Romania)
Stichting for Education on Agility Liberating Structures (Netherlands)