ee · lesson 2
"The Business Idea Hackathon"
Lesson summary
The business idea hackathon is designed for all teachers who want to integrate entrepreneurial competence into their lessons. The goal of the 8-hour hackathon is for students to create a business idea and analyse it with the team. Conscious planning of teamwork, which would include the components of non-violent communication, is important. The goal is for every team member to feel safe, valued and able to operate in their own strength zone. The lesson plan introduces agile methods for self and team reflection.
The hackathon has been built based on the principles of the agile framework. The lesson uses the LEGO Serious Play® (LSP) methodology in the business idea planning and brainstorming phase. LSP allows the teacher to systematically lead the discussion while activating the creativity of all participants. Everyone is included.
The aim of using different (agile) methods and tools – i.e agile scrum working model (My Values, The Boat, Beliefs, Definition of Done, Working Agreement, Team Retrospective, agile roles); non-violent communication (Hear, Seen, Respected; Empathy map), LSP (Superpower, modeling the problem and the solution), liberating structures (1-2-4 all), Osterwalder Business Model Canvas, Miro visual online collaboration platform – is to support the development of learners entrepreneurial mindset and also enhance individual and teamwork skills.
The hackathon consists of sprints (small learning units) and ends with presenting the business idea to the product owner (to the teacher). The lesson is originally designed for face-to-face learning but can also be adapted for online learning.
The lesson was created by Krista Jõesaar, University of Tartu, Estonia