Leading HED students to rewind the museum supply exploiting the powers of the cultural and creative industries

Task_4.1: The Audience Development Exercise

The AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE enables HED students through a structured set of tasks develop a new set of skills and game knowledge literacies, which, in turn, can be applied to any cultural service. New skills and literacies such as: Judgement; Negotiation; Appropriation; Play; Transmedia navigation; Simulation; Cooperative Intelligence; Performance; Distributed Cognition; Visualization are acquired by the Pact4Skills HED Student Community.

The AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE: each Partner and HED student community  will select the Local Museum and the target audience(s). PP6 ARTIFACTORY mentors the 6 HED Student Communities to develop their audiences for each game prototype. PP6 (ARTIFACTORY) delivers the Game Design Template to all Partners to fill in: considering: goals and objectives of cultural operators; target markets; social consensus; subject matter knowledge; asset significance. 

Each Partner drafts the Game Design Plan to be evaluated by the Quality Control Committee and prototypes the 6 Museum Games in the Project Area. PP5 (SEALS) and PP6(ARTIFACTORY) guide and mentor the 6 HED Students Communities to complete the Audience Development Exercise.

Task_4.2: The Experience Design Exercise

The EXPERIENCE EXERCISE will rely on the principles of gamification and storytelling. HED students identify a range of desirable cultural experiences and uses in each museum, or collection. By providing a diversity of uses for each experience that builds a product or service in the CCI/GLAM sector, so that users/visitors may select products and services close to their motives. 

The EXPERIENCE EXERCISE:  PP5(SEALS) and PP6 (ARTIFACTORY) guide HED students to understand heritage significance and the game design methodology, who apply remedial evaluation on their games based on knowledge acquired during the assessment process. Storytelling is created through the values and narratives of each heritage place. To put in place a feasible stakeholder map, local actors will be involved via trans-generational activities and thus enable the creation and contextual information.  Quintessential element in the Game Design is the Hero’s Journey map. It is an oriented graph that describes the journey of a museum/site user by representing the different touch points that characterize his interaction with the service. 

This EXERCISE identifies the touch points and analyses their interaction to improve the final result in CY/FR10/GE11ΚΗ/ITF5/NL329/EL42. PP5 (SEALS) and PP6(ARTIFACTORY) guide and mentor the 6 HED Students Communities to complete the Experience Design Exercise.

Task_4.3: The Digital Game Prototype (Practical Co-Working Training for 6 museum games)

The DIGITAL GAME PROTOTYPE: Each HED Community received practical co-Working training in gamification.  5 key tasks leading to the game are:

1.Develop the service digital storytelling concept (point of view, dramatic question, emotional content, economy, pacing, etc.); 

2.Define the hero’s journey (implementing the 12 steps, call for adventure, refuse of the call, crossing the threshold, etc.); 

3.Define the game play over social media networks (rules, reward, clues, levels, scenarios); 

4.Define the game mechanics all resources you need to do the service; 

5.Develop the Pitch Game including:-Game level definition;-Key narratives -Storytelling virtual and real; -Challenges faced by the players; -Stakeholder map -Players interaction; -Key resources for game implementation; – Social Media how to host /deliver data virtual and real world; -Rewards definitions; Benefits and engagement; -List of media objects; Costs

The Game Design Process goes through 4 different phases: prototyping, testing, iterating, implementing. At the core of this process are embedded 3 main actors: The Puppet Masters, who design the Games; service providers, who apply the game scenario; visitors play the Game. The Gaming Process uses subject-specific methods and tools: Games & Social Media applications, particularly immersive environments and media-sharing services to create innovative ways for acquiring subject-specific skills. The Game offers players the opportunity to derive from their visit emotions and impressions, meanings and values, gain knowledge, modify attitudes, forge relationships, or provide for enjoyment and relaxation. PP5 (SEALS) and PP6(ARTIFACTORY) guide and mentor the 6 HED Students Communities to complete the Digital Game Prototype.

Task_4.4: The Digital Startup Ecosystem (co-creators)

The DIGITAL STARTUP ECOSYSTEM includes all co-creators from the participating countries as a means to sustain project achieved results and inspire further similar activities and projects. 

The DIGITAL STARTUP ECOSYSTEM is activated at the Multiplier Event 04 in Cergy/FR. The ECOSYSTEM shall extend over the Project life being  specific to the digital culture, the value-driven, artistic multi-media narrative that impacts the mental process to create abstractions, leading to the cognitive reconstruction of an appropriate context and visitor satisfaction. 90 HED Students establish the ECOSYSTEM at the Project’s International Conference in Cergy (M24) with the aim to sustain achieved results and the continuation of the 6 DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICES created. 

As the continuation of the Pact4Skills collective voice, the ECOSYSTEM is transferring know-how to employers, heritage authorities/operators and businesses to rewind the cultural design and support the youth accepting the new skills required for new jobs. 

With seat at the University of Cergy-Paris (PP2), the ECOSYSTEM will inherit the PROJECT LEGACY with the entire Pact4Skills TRAINING INDRASTRUCTURE and will continue to generate digital culture attracting newcomers and multilevel actors, becoming a carrier of creative ideas and a platform to exercise participatory culture. PP2(CYU) is responsible for the set-up of the DIGITAL STARTUP ECOSYSTEM.

Museum of mistaken emotions

Do museums have the potential to make a meaningful impact in addressing and raising awareness about current social issues? Can they serve as a valuable source of information, offering unique perspectives, aiding in trauma recovery, and increasing political consciousness? The MUME has three Manifesto doors that represent each game level. You are allowed to play at any level you wish; not necessary to play the game levels in order. Moreover, you do not need to play all the art pieces, but the more you play, the more you discover yourself and help others to discover themselves. That is a win-win contribution

The love expression museum

READ LOVE: Access a collection of expressions of Love from people. EXPRESS YOUR LOVE: Click "go" to tell the Museum how you express Love through text, photos, or videos. You can send your expression to anyone you wish, including the Universe. RECEIVE LOVE FROM ANYONE: Some people are willing to express Love, and you can receive it anonymously. You won't know the sender, and the sender won't know you. The Love Expression Museum is a safe environment for this. LOVE IS: Where you can define what Love means to you. Whether it's a classical definition like "Love is in the air" or a personal one like "Love is in the kitchen," you can share it with others.L