The joint recognition of skills to attract employers and networks

Task_5.1: 6 Digital Cultural Services and the Joint App

The 4th Industrial Revolution has altered the production of various industrial sectors, mostly due to the fusion of technologies blurring the line between digital and physical, – the cultural market included-, while the constant use of e-devices in daily life impacts the common sense through the interpretation of visual codes. This is an opportunity to impact on the skills set of HED students to produce meaning beyond the technical aspect and generate a new cultural narrative based on authentic experiences and interaction in real time. 

The JOINT APP shall ensure unprecedented level of visitor interaction with content through smartphones/e–readers/tablets, as well as an equally engaging experience through computers. 6 DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICES/JOINT APP shall exemplify a new cultural communication pattern needed by museums to reconfigure storytelling and directly engaging visitors. If a story is compelling, it increases interest and curiosity and encourages integration which in turn supports the cognitive approach. 

Storytelling reconditioned in a digital language specific to cultural goods, helps to decode the symbolism behind with which the artists hide reality and bring with them emotion, and the emotion helps the audience to navigate within the own wealth of ideas to search for and rebuild the meaning of the work of art.

The awareness of having understood, strongly influences audience satisfaction, strengthening the attention in all future processing, releasing new energies for learning. Information, the raw material of a narrative structure, comes from the specific study of the work of specialists, but it cannot build an experience per se. Narrations on the contrary derive from a creative approach to that information, and are articulated in an artistic language according to the advanced ways and consolidated in the public. 

In this vein, each Partner delivers a DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICE in the format of a mobile application (APP), which includes: the gamified story telling part of the APP using 3 objects in each selected Museum, so that 18 objects in the Project Area build the prototype of the SKILLS SET envisaged, with 90 HED students committed to the process. PP5(SEALS) will deliver the technical application (DIGITAL CULTURAL APP) incorporating the 6 DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICES in it. Each HED student community delivers the DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICE to PP5(SEALS) who develops a JOINT APP for the 6 DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICES. PP6 (ARTIFACTORY) is responsible for the quality of the contents.

Task_5.2: The Open Digital Badge

The Open Digital Badge gives HED students the possibility to accredit their competencies with micro-credentials, which can complement the curriculum for students at all levels. Micro-credentials can also facilitate inclusion in lifelong learning by reaching new learners, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, like migrants and refugees. 

Pact4Skills develops a process of certification by using the OPEN DIGITAL BADGE system as an instrument and correlate to the descriptors of the EUROPEAN QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK. 

THE OPEN DIGITAL BADGE is an industry-related, verifiable and portable source packed with information about skills and achievements. Micro-credentials are just one element in a broader system of qualifications and credentials for LLL in collaboration within the EU and the Bologna Process. Such verifiable micro-credentials are an increasingly important means for educational institutions, employers, and other learning organizations to recognize a learner’s skills, competencies, and achievements. 

The OPEN DIGITAL BADGE will put learners in control of their credentials by enabling them to claim and display the badge on any platform. The BADGE contains rich metadata that provides information about the issuing organization, the recipient, and evidence that substantiates the earning of the badge. Optional extensions to the standards allow the BADGES to include detailed information about assessments and additional information about an issuer’s accreditations relating to the credential. 

These elements help validate the rigor of the BADGE to audiences who review the credential, which may include instructors, academic advisors, and other professionals, as well as potential employers and peer networks. In these ways, badge owners can own, display, store, and share their OPEN DIGITAL BADGES across an open digital credentialing ecosystem. 

Each Partner HED Student Community can acquire the Pact4Skills OPEN DIGITAL BADGE, given that it has implemented the DIGITAL CULTURAL SERVICE and the APP part with at min. of 3 museum objects. PP3(CYU) is responsible for the generation of the OPEN DIGITAL BADGE and works closely with the Applicant (OUC), PP3(TESAU) and PP5(SEALS) to achieve this goal.

Task_5.3: The Pact4Skills Policy Booklet

The Pact4Skills Policy Booklet will generate policy recommendations for the career paths in the cultural sector and further ways to integrate results into the daily activities of heritage authorities. It will further disseminate lessons learnt to policy-makers and professionals across the EU and generate knowledge from the Project practice for cultural institutions. The Pact4Skills POLICY BOOKLET raises the awareness of the heritage sector to exploit the powers of digital culture, storytelling, direct audience engagement as an exciting opportunity for the development of knowledge connected to heritage places, site museums and collections, as it is the only process that can support values and meanings. PP2(CYU) is responsible the POLICY BOOKLET while getting input from all Partners.