Tackling the challenges of the European Education Area by building resilient, inclusive and forward-looking training to upskill HED students face the transformations in digital culture with new e-skills, intercultural and entrepreneurial competences

Pact4Skills MOOC

The main learning objective of the MOOC is to enable students to acquire competences in contemporary cultural institutions is key in modern-day heritage management theoretical approaches and

The MOOC consists of four modules, all connected. You have to carefully study the modules 1, 2, 3 and 4 


Each of the 4 Modules has a mandatory assignment.


To guide you in the learning process, the MOOC provides you with a series of international examples embedded in the Modules via hyperlinks.


The University students can contact the tutors directly in case of any questions.

Module content

Module 1: The Museum Competence Area

The module explores the historic background of museums, current and potential understandings and their socioeconomic role (unit 1), offers a coherent guide on the role of European institutions in museum management (unit 2), addresses five key competences concerning resource management in the museum entrepreneurial environment (unit 3), discusses the importance of cultural leadership and strategic planning in the same context (unit 4) and sums it all up in a comprehensive recap session (unit 5).

  • Unit 1: Introducing the museum
  • Unit 2: European organisations and their roles in the museum universe
  • Unit 3: Dealing with the ‘Resources’ (EntreComp
  • Unit 4: Cultural Leadership & Strategic Planning in a museum
  • Unit 5: Recap: Competences in the museum environment

Module 2_Ideas and Opportunities

The Module focuses on 2 competence areas of the framework, “Ideas and Opportunities” and “In Action” and attempts to examine each competence through case studies from the European museum context with further references to museums of the world. The aim of the module is to provide a holistic understanding of key aspects of museum sustainability and their connection to entrepreneurial aspects of museum management and planning. To this end, the module explores the EntreComp Framework and its application in museums (unit 1), offers a comprehensive examination of issues of sustainability and value creation (unit 2), addresses innovation and creativity in the museum entrepreneurial environment (unit 3), discusses the importance of strategic planning for risk and uncertainty (unit 4) and sums it all up in a comprehensive recap session (unit 5)

  • Unit 1: The EntreComp Framework and Museum Visions
  • Unit 2: Planning for Sustainability and Value Creation
  • Unit 3: Innovation and Creativity in the Museum Sector
  • Unit 4: Museum Management and Planning for Risk
  • Unit 5: Recap: Entrepreneurial Competences for resilience in the museum sector

Module 3_ Assets in Museums and Collections Operation/Management

Module 3 focus on the basic processes on the management and operation of contemporary cultural institutions and museums, in this 20-hour 5-unit module we delve into the basics of collections’ management (Unit 1) and the primary processes to acquire, document and present heritage material through exhibitions (Unit 2). We also examine the strategies and aims of audience development in the museum context, as well as the challenges currently faced by the museum sector regarding social inclusion practices (Unit 3). Finally, we examine the role and importance of evaluating the offerings of museums, as well as the ethical considerations that should be considered during this process (Unit 4). The module sums it all up in a comprehensive recap session (Unit 5). Case studies derive from the European museum context with further references to museums and cultural heritage institutions all over the world.

  • Unit 1: The basics of collection management
  • Unit 2: Organising exhibitions
  • Unit 3: Audience Development and Inclusion
  • Unit 4: Evaluation of Museum Offerings
  • Unit 5: Recap: Assets in Museums and Collections operation/management

Module 4

For a cultural asset to have social value, to produce cohesion and identity, to go beyond the niche of experts, it needs to be used to produce cognitive experiences whose mechanisms we now know, in part, through cognitive science. The essential point in arriving at a solution is to abandon the idea that a civilisation that has produced an artistic expression of itself could have done so for one simple reason. Thus, to abandon the idea that a single point of view can be exhaustive, that history is only history, that archaeology is only archaeology, that biology is only biology. Artists must be included in the process that until now has only been scientific or technological. Lamberto Maffei, director of the Italian National Research Centre's Institute of Neuroscience, writes: artists produce subjective models, emotional interpretations of the chaotic reality that surrounds them and of everyday life. The reader or observer accepts or rejects the model with his or her own creative act, which leads to understanding. I would capitalise on this vision, which today brings together cognitive scientists, to build a strategic bridge between the insights of our pioneers and the opportunities that the digital world offers us.

  • Unit 1: Culture is not a commodity
  • Unit 2: Describing, narrating, acting
  • Unit 3: Integration with technology, the digital world the meaning, habits, the younger generation
  • Unit 4: To create experience
  • Unit 5: From emotion to experience, the cognitive sciences